Discuss briefly why this is considered a public health nutrition issue relevant to the municipality, and why a public health approach to address this issue is important.
Population Nutrition/ Health promotion
Paper , Order, or Assignment Requirements
HSN302 Assignment information
Assignment length: 2000 words. This includes Parts 2 & 3. There is no 10% allowance – any words in excess of 2000 will not be read or marked.
Weighting: 50% of unit mark
You are working as a Health Promotion Officer (Nutrition) in a local council. Choose one of these two nutrition issues: food sustainability or food insecurity; and write a report for the Council Executive to review existing strategies and propose a new strategy to address this issue in the local government area.
As you are a junior member of the team, you work closely with a mentor – a colleague who has been working in the area for about five years. Your mentor offers to read and provide feedback on components of your report draft.
You may choose to situate your position anywhere in Australia. At a minimum you should identify the state or territory within which you are working, and whether it is in a metropolitan, regional or remote area, but you may choose to name a specific local government area if you wish.
Here is a suggested report structure to guide your writing:
a) Introduce your report, including a brief definition and discussion of the prevalence and causes of this issue. Include clear identification and justification of the specific issue / target group / population that your program aims to address.
b) Discuss briefly why this is considered a public health nutrition issue relevant to the municipality, and why a public health approach to address this issue is important.
c) Review two programs/initiatives to address this public health nutrition issue, focussing on critical analysis of relevant strengths and limitations of those initiatives.
The initiatives you review do not have to be currently operating and do not need to have taken place specifically in your area, but you must explain how they are relevant to your target group. At least one of these must be an initiative which was not discussed in the unit materials.
d) Propose one strategy to address this public health nutrition issue based on your above review of two programs. You should provide an overview of a strategy and state explicitly how it builds on the strengths and limitations of the programs you discussed in your review. Include brief discussion of some likely strengths and limitations of your proposal, together with a brief conclusion.
Part 2: Report (approx. 1750-1800 words): Due Thursday 13th September, 5.00pm AEST See Task overview above.
Part 3: Analysis and reflection (approx. 200-250 words): Due Thursday 15th September, 5.00pm AEST To be written in FIRST person – use ‘I’ statements. To be submitted at end of report.
i) Briefly identify the most useful aspect(s) of the feedback you received on your draft and explain how you used this to develop or improve your final report.
Write an analysis of what you did once you received feedback to improve your skills, writing and the report quality – the point of this is not to explain in detail how you rewrote sentences, but rather to describe the actions you undertook to improve your report (e.g. further research, utilising learning resources) and how you feel it has improved the quality of your work in relation to the rubric assessment criteria.
ii) Explain how the skills and/or knowledge gained from undertaking this assignment will be useful to your career.
Write a self-reflection on one or two things you have learnt, improved or demonstrated from undertaking this assignment and responding to the feedback, and how you might be able to apply your new knowledge or skills in a job application or in your career. You may find it useful to consider relevant job descriptions or selection criteria. (Your career path does not have to be directly related to nutrition – you are encouraged to consider both discipline specific and generic skills that you might be able to promote to future employers and use in the workplace.)
This assignment relates to the following ULOs:
ULO1: Identify, describe, explain and discuss the public health approach to nutrition, and major population nutrition issues across the lifespan in Australia and internationally.
ULO2: Explain national and global causes, consequences and solutions of nutritional deficiencies, metabolic diseases, food insecurity and food sustainability issues.
ULO3: Identify, retrieve, curate and critically appraise relevant digital literature to analyse Public Health Nutrition problems.
ULO4: Critique and propose population nutrition interventions addressing real world nutrition issues. ULO5: Explain and discuss population nutrition issues and approaches using appropriate, discipline specific language, references, and presentation.
ULO6: Use reflective practice to evidence learning within the context of population nutrition.