Make sure you give particular attention to the rationale as this is the aspect which will demonstrate your understanding of this area in most detail. It is not feasible or practical to provide a precise word count for the lesson plan and risk assessment aspects of this assignment, but your rationale should be around 1500 words.
A lesson plan
A risk assessment
*Make sure you give particular attention to the rationale as this is the aspect which will demonstrate your understanding of this area in most detail. It is not feasible or practical to provide a precise word count for the lesson plan and risk assessment aspects of this assignment, but your rationale should be around 1500 words.
Report format – You are required to articulate your lesson rationale in the 3rd person. Your work needs to be word-processed and you should ensure that you adopt an informed perspective fully supported through appropriate reading. The word limit is 2000 (not including appendices-see above). The plan and risk assessment can be part of the appendices but you need to submit all the material as one document.
The overall presentation should adopt: a report style and layout, demonstrate correct spelling and grammar, using the appropriate system of referencing (criteria which generally apply to University written work).
The post Make sure you give particular attention to the rationale as this is the aspect which will demonstrate your understanding of this area in most detail. It is not feasible or practical to provide a precise word count for the lesson plan and risk assessment aspects of this assignment, but your rationale should be around 1500 words. appeared first on excellent homeworks.