Reflect and write about what you learned about your communication style based on the results of your Myers Briggs Personality test.

Reflect and write about what you learned about your communication style based on the results of your Myers Briggs Personality test.

Myers Briggs personality paper


Reflect and write about what you learned about your communication style based on the results of your Myers Briggs Personality test. Your answer should be a college level paragraph reflection of your results. Answer the following questions in your reflection: What is your 4 letter myers briggs indicator? Example: (ESTJ, INFP, etc.) What does it tell you about your communication style? What are some positives? What are some negatives? Write an action plan for your style at your workplace. Are there some areas you need to work on about your personality style? Create a word document and write your reflection on page 1 of your document.

* My type was
Extravert(41%) Sensing(9%) Thinking(25%) Judging(6%)
You have moderate preference of Extraversion over Introversion (41%)
You have slight preference of Sensing over Intuition (9%)
You have moderate preference of Thinking over Feeling (25%)
You have slight preference of Judging over Perceiving (6%)

* What are the 4 types of Learning Style?
* What is your style?
* Provide any reference link at the bottom of your Page 2 Write- Paragraph.
* Do you agree with your results?
* Why or why not?
* Reflect on your learning style and what it means and says about you. This will be page 2 of your document to submit.


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