A problem statement is a brief overview of the problems or issues in a particular topic area of research. It’s a description of the prevalent theme in a specific field that prompts the researcher to take a keen interest for comprehensive free research paper and analysis, to understand the problem and propose a possible solution (s). Statement of Problem is a clear description of the issue, including; the issue statement, vision and the potential methods of solving the problem.

Tips for writing Problem Statement

  • Included Vision
  • Write an issue statement
  • Propose a solution
  • Describe your method
  • Answer “Ws” questions
  • Maintain a formal tone

The above is discussed in detail below.

Include Vision

problem statementTo understand what needs to be done in solving the problem, it’s important to realise the vision. Here you need to ask yourself; what will be the effect of solving the problem? Include the benefits that will be brought about by solving the problem. You should take your time to craft a clear and concise vision.

Write an Issue statement

Write an issue statement in one or two sentences describing the problem and the importance of solving it. Here, you define the problem and the specific problems that are related to that issue. Explain the issues at hand as concise as possible, while ensuring it has all the vital overview details.

Propose a solution

After you have explained the problem or issue, proceed and explain your proposal for dealing with it. Just like the initial problem of the statement, keep your explanation of the proposed solution clear and concise. What possible solution do you intend to arrive at after studying the issue?

Describes your Method (s)

A method is merely a process followed in solving the issue. This is where you indicate the steps you will adopt in resolving the issue. Keep a broad, significant and concrete process that you’ll follow in solving the puzzle.

Answer “Ws” questions

You remember the five “Ws” you learned back in high school? These are the what, who, when, why where questions that you should answer when crafting an essay paper. You need to incorporate these in your problem statement and provide a complete answer to them. Think about;

• Who is affected by the problem?
• What would be the result (s) if the puzzle left unsolved?
• When should the problem be solved?
• Why is it important to fix the problem?

Maintain a formal tone

Problem statements are often used for severe academic proposals and researches. Therefore, it’s crucial that you use a formal or dignified style of writing, the same as the writing style used in the body paragraphs of the research paper. Keep a plain, clear and direct writing throughout. Avoid using a friendly tone in your problem statement to win your audience. Don’t include jokes, senses of humor, unnecessary anecdotes or asides, colloquialisms or slangs. Remember the problem statement is as important as the other parts of your research paper; therefore you need to make sure you get everything right, including grammar and tone.
Stick to a brief, well-defined problem- A good problem statement should be short but comprehensive. Don’t waste time including additional contents. You should focus on a single identified issue and provide its solution. It’s recommended to keep your problem statement below 300 words.
Summarize the issue and Solution- After presenting the ideal vision for your research, identified the problem and propose a solution, now you only need to summarise the main arguments. This allows for a smooth transition into the main body of your research paper or proposal. You don’t need to make the conclusion of the problem statement longer. Just state the basics of what you have discussed in a few sentences.

Importance of the Statement

Writing a problem statement is crucial because it enables you to study and compile a more comprehensive and guided paper. In any area of research such as science or finance, there is a lot of information and knowledge that is likely to sidetrack you from your main point. By crafting a problem statement, you can keep yourself on the track and remain focused on answering just the specific questions addressed by your research.

Also, through the Problem statement, the reader gets the relevance of the topic of study as well as gets connected with the topic.