The Vice President (VP) of Operations for Smiles Co., a large organization that operates dental offices, has contracted you to consult on an issue, given your expertise. The VP of Operations is in charge of multiple regions in Ontario.
1. Read the problem
Case #1: Smiles Co.
The Vice President (VP) of Operations for Smiles Co., a large organization that operates dental
offices, has contracted you to consult on an issue, given your expertise. The VP of Operations is
in charge of multiple regions in Ontario. Within any given region, there are multiple dental
offices, each with their own team consisting of an office manager, dentist (s), dental hygienists,
and receptionists.
The VP Operations is especially concerned about one office in the south-western Ontario, where
an office manager was recently fired due to poor performance. This office is not performing well
and is at risk of having to close if this trend continues. A new office manager was recently hired.
In her first few days on the job, the director has heard from staff members who are concerned
about low morale and lack of cooperation between team members at the branch. The office
manager needs to lead the team through this uncertain time and garner an improvement in
performance from all team members. She asks the VP of Operations if there were any strategies
to deal with these HR challenges. In turn, the VP of Operations has contacted you for
recommendation for how the new office manager should proceed, based on thorough research
and empirical evidence.
2: Find 5 scholarly sources to explain the companies problems (low morale) and how to
improve performance of the team.
3.write a Consultant’s Recommendations (approximately 2.5 pages)
Provide specific recommendations for dealing with the organization’s problems, as well as
justifications for your recommendations. You need to demonstrate a solid understanding of the
subject matter and insightfully integrate theory, research, and practice. I will look for you to
generate solidly grounded, ideas and recommendations that are extrapolated from, and
extend, the established literature and practice (must be empirically based)
The post The Vice President (VP) of Operations for Smiles Co., a large organization that operates dental offices, has contracted you to consult on an issue, given your expertise. The VP of Operations is in charge of multiple regions in Ontario. appeared first on excellent homeworks.