what are the conditions that render promise-breaking morally obligatory?


Textbook Readings

Jones: chs. 5–6
Stivers et al.: Part 3

Discussion boards are collaborative learning experiences; therefore you are required to create a thread in response to the provided prompt for each forum. Discussion board threads must be 500–600 words and demonstrate course-related knowledge. In addition to the thread, you are required to reply to one other classmate’s thread.  
Please the attached Rubric – Follow Exactly (This assignment must be in Turabian Format)
Topic: Is it ever moral to break a promise? A rational analysis and conclusion.

Thread: The Reading & Study materials this module/week discuss the complex issue of poverty, and the moral imperative of promise-keeping is mentioned several times. After reviewing the Reading & Study materials, compose a 500-600 word argument that is objective, carefully-constructed, and free of emotion (and hence it should not contain any exclamation points) in support of your opinion on each of the following questions.

Why is promise-keeping morally important?
Is it ever morally permissible to break a promise?
If you answer “yes” to #2, then what are the conditions that render promise-breaking morally acceptable?
If you answer “no” to #2, then explain why you believe it is never permissible. How would you handle difficult scenarios wherein someone has made a promise the keeping of which would have significant undesirable consequences?
Is it ever morally obligatory to break a promise?
If you answer “yes” to #5, what are the conditions that render promise-breaking morally obligatory?

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