This is currently a serious offense, not only in academic research writing but also in other writings such as essays. It is a major problem that even graduate students are struggling with. Stealing someone else’s intellectual property is considered an academic offense, therefore, one has to strive to write plagiarism free papers.  It can lead to serious negative consequences on the side of the student, including retraction of the plagiarized paper and loss or reputation and credibility of a person.  In this guide, we’re going to show you some of the tips on how to avoid plagiarism when writing a research paper.

 How to Write Free Plagiarism Research Paper

Here are a few simple rules to avoid plagiarism in research;

Know how to Rewrite/paraphrase

 student paraphrasing

Paraphrasing/rewriting is the simplest yet the most important method of avoiding being caught in plagiarism offense. Always ensure you understand the original context before you rewrite or paraphrase. This enables you to paraphrase appropriately. Don’t just copy and paste the text directly from the source to your paper. Instead, you should restate the original idea in your own words. After finding your source, read it (don’t just skim through it), make conclusions from the source and note them down.

It’s important to note that paraphrasing doesn’t mean substituting synonyms for the original words. You should understand the text, then note down your thoughts based on the original context, not the word itself. This will help you avoid falling in what is known as patchwriting trap

Use quotations

Quoting simply means reproducing someone else work. It’s so far the simplest way to avoid plagiarism. They’re used to support a claim or define a context in the text, when necessary. Always use quotation tag marks to indicate that you’ve retrieved the text from another source.  Always ensure that the passage quoted appears precisely the same as the paper they’ve been taken from. You only need copy-paste a few lines from the original source and format it with the use of quotation marks.  Limit quotations to just one or two sentences. Inserting a whole paragraph as quotation will not be impressive to your professor.

Remember, the quotation should be used sparingly in your text.  To achieve this, distribute excerpt throughout your paper. Don’t just concentrate question in a particular section of your research paper.  Also, don’t use too many quotations in your text, as this will make your writing appear unimpressive to the reader.  Just limit the number to just a few questions in the whole document.

Cite your work

It’s imperative to cite your work when writing a research paper. The first step to citing involves understanding what needs to be cited and what need not be cited.  Any idea or content that is not your original work but taken from another author’s paper should be cited appropriately. Even if you’ve used your previous material in your article, you should mention it and quote yourself.  Failure to do so will result in an offense known as self-plagiarism.  Common knowledge, facts, and scientific evidence gathered after conducting tests need not be cited.

Plagiarism is a ‘capitaloffensee’ in academic research writing. Therefore, it’s imperative for students to enhance their understanding of plagiarism.  If you’re in doubt about your paper being plagiarized, you can use plagiarism detection software before you submit your research paper.


