A nurse sustains an accidental needle pinprick to the right third finger while administering an injection. If an employee has an occupational exposure, what must happen?
The root word ENTER/O means
A. secretion.
B. intestine.
C. stomach.
D. tooth.
When coding burns, coders should
A. assign separate codes for each burn site.
B. assign the code for chronic burns.
C. classify all burns as acute burns.
D. assign the code for third-degree burns.
Which of the following forms is used to bill outpatient charges?
A. CMS-1500 or UCF-1500.
B. AMA-14 or UCF-1250
C. HCFA-1400 or CMS-1540
D. HCFA-1350 or CMS-650
A significant, separately identifiable E/M service performed by the same physician in conjunction with another service performed on the same day would be reported using what modifier?
A. -TC
B. -47
C. -90
D. -25
Which of the following modifiers would be assigned for a moribund patient?
A. P5
B. P1
C. P4
D. P3
Taking certain steps to protect PHI from being accidentally released to individuals who don’t need to know the information is called the
A. minimum necessary standard.
B. information provision standard.
C. privacy management statute.
D. health information guardianship guideline.
Codes for plastic repair of the perineum are found in which code range?
A. 57000–57426
B. 57000–57010
C. 57150–57180
D. 56800–56810
A coder overhears a confidential statement made outside of the court, and then, when called to testify, repeats the statement as being truth. This is an example of
A. speculation.
B. hearsay.
C. a direct quote.
D. cross-examination.
A nurse sustains an accidental needle pinprick to the right third finger while administering an injection. If an employee has an occupational exposure, what must happen?
A. An in-service meeting should be held for all employees who may potentially be exposed to the same occupational hazard.
B. The employee should contact the proper authorities.
C. Hospital administrators must maintain the nurse’s medical record for the remainder of her employment plus an additional 30 years.
D. The guidelines for OSHA should be included in the employment file.
Another name for third-party contractors who have access to medical information is
A. healthcare vendors.
B. insurance administrators.
C. covered entities.
D. business associates.